#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
import os
import json
import sys

#import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import pigpio # http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/python.html

IR_RX_PIN  = 26
GLITCH     = 100
PRE_MS     = 200
POST_MS    = 15
FREQ       = 38.0
SHORT      = 10

POST_US    = POST_MS * 1000
PRE_US     = PRE_MS  * 1000
TOLER_MIN =  (100 - TOLERANCE) / 100.0
TOLER_MAX =  (100 + TOLERANCE) / 100.0

last_tick = 0
in_code = False
code = []
fetching_code = False

def normalise(c):
   entries = len(c)
   p = [0]*entries # Set all entries not processed.
   for i in range(entries):
      if not p[i]: # Not processed?
         v = c[i]
         tot = v
         similar = 1.0

         # Find all pulses with similar lengths to the start pulse.
         for j in range(i+2, entries, 2):
            if not p[j]: # Unprocessed.
               if (c[j]*TOLER_MIN) < v < (c[j]*TOLER_MAX): # Similar.
                  tot = tot + c[j]
                  similar += 1.0

         # Calculate the average pulse length.
         newv = round(tot / similar, 2)
         c[i] = newv

         # Set all similar pulses to the average value.
         for j in range(i+2, entries, 2):
            if not p[j]: # Unprocessed.
               if (c[j]*TOLER_MIN) < v < (c[j]*TOLER_MAX): # Similar.
                  c[j] = newv
                  p[j] = 1

def compare(p1, p2):
   if len(p1) != len(p2):
      return False

   for i in range(len(p1)):
      v = p1[i] / p2[i]
      if (v < TOLER_MIN) or (v > TOLER_MAX):
         return False

   for i in range(len(p1)):
       p1[i] = int(round((p1[i]+p2[i])/2.0))

   return True

def end_of_code():
   global code, fetching_code
   if len(code) > SHORT:
      fetching_code = False
      code = []
      print("Short code, probably a repeat, try again")

def cbf(gpio, level, tick):

   global last_tick, in_code, code, fetching_code

   if level != pigpio.TIMEOUT:

      edge = pigpio.tickDiff(last_tick, tick)
      last_tick = tick

      if fetching_code:

         if (edge > PRE_US) and (not in_code): # Start of a code.
            in_code = True
            pi.set_watchdog(IR_RX_PIN, POST_MS) # Start watchdog.

         elif (edge > POST_US) and in_code: # End of a code.
            in_code = False
            pi.set_watchdog(IR_RX_PIN, 0) # Cancel watchdog.

         elif in_code:

      pi.set_watchdog(IR_RX_PIN, 0) # Cancel watchdog.
      if in_code:
         in_code = False

pi = pigpio.pi() # Connect to Pi.

if not pi.connected:
args = sys.argv
with open(args[1]) as f:
   key_config = json.load(f)

   pi.set_mode(IR_RX_PIN, pigpio.INPUT) # IR RX connected to this IR_RX_PIN.

   pi.set_glitch_filter(IR_RX_PIN, GLITCH) # Ignore glitches.

   cb = pi.callback(IR_RX_PIN, pigpio.EITHER_EDGE, cbf)

      while True:
         code = []
         fetching_code = True
         while fetching_code:
         key_name = "-"
         for key, val in key_config.items():
            if compare(val, code[:]):
               key_name = key
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
      pi.stop() # Disconnect from Pi.